INKISHAF <p><strong>INKĪSHĀF</strong> is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed quarterly research Journal of international repute published by the Rah-e-Falah Researcg Center, Lahore. Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the INKĪSHĀF research Journal. In it different aspects of Islam and their impact on Muslim and non-Muslim societies are discussed. The Journal tries to foster internal as well as external dialogue among Muslims and with those of other faiths, in the fields of Islamic Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, in order to encourage an atmosphere conducive to universal peace and understanding, for a better world. It aims at interpreting the teachings of Islam in such a way as to bring out its dynamic character, in the context of the intellectual and scientific progress of the modern world. Furthermore, the Journal also encourages the authors to submit researches conducted under interdisciplinary collaboration on the important socio-Religious issues including interfaith harmony and studies in contemporary religions. The main objective of INKĪSHĀF is to promote Islamic based research through modern research techniques and social science methodologies. Furthermore, INKĪSHĀF is an Academic Journal devoted to Islamic research and scholarship. It is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and , where ever necessary, critically on Islamic History, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, and Jurisprudence etc.</p> en-US (Dr Ata ur Rehman) (Dr. Abbas Ali Raza) Mon, 30 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 انصاف کی فراہمی میں ریاستی ذمہ داریاں :قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں تحقیقی جائزہ <p><em>Basically Islamic state has religious values and lays stress for upholding justice.The institutions that human beings have developed for right direction of social life, among them the institution of state is basic and important. There are four pillars of a state, establishment, judiciary, journalist and senate. Judiciary is the most important. If judiciary is strong, then people may get justice soon, then state can flourish speedily by upholding justice. A state can survive with &nbsp;cruelity but it can not survive with injustice. Modren Era is also age of complex problems alongwith scientific progress by discriminating among the problems of modern era, and using them wisely are the best quality of a justice. As it is said in Holy Quran “No doubt, Allah orders for justice and equity”. The complications found in today,s modern age, are widening the scope a state. Along with law and order discipline, the provision of justice is also duty of a state. The state of Madina founded by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and its system is a splendid and practical model. He upheld justice in every field of life along with state matters. In this subject we will try to show those facters through which justice can be upheld in a state.</em></p> Hafiz Munir Ahmad Cheema, M. Akbar Ali, Saba Tufail Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF Fri, 23 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 معاشرتی تربیت کے رہنما اصول اور اسوہ نبویﷺ: ایک اطلاقی مطالعہ <p><em>This study delves into the principles of social upbringing and the exemplary conduct of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), offering an applied perspective. It explores the teachings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a guide for social behavior and upbringing. Through an analysis of his life and teachings, this study aims to extract valuable insights and lessons that can be applied in contemporary society. The research emphasizes the relevance and applicability of the Prophet's (PBUH) guidance in shaping ethical conduct, fostering harmonious relationships, and promoting positive social values.It briefs the significance of moral values and their implementation,as it helps us to live a life of righteousness and virtue. It helps to understand the comparison of hardships, which faced our beloved Holy Propht(PBUH) and now what we are &nbsp;Facing the troubles of life. It will provide a cleared way to all the mankind, to exit these troubles of life through implementation of the providing principles by the Holy Prophet.He (PBUH) was a paragon of virtue and best exemplar for the human race.He was known for his compassion and mercy to the mankind, so he set up a society where fair, honesty, humbleness, generousity and patience were practiced. He accorded respect to children and greeted them first, he was present in funeral ceremonies,visited the sick and he helped the needy.</em></p> Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saeedi, Hafiz Ghulam Yasin Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF Mon, 02 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 قتل غیرت اورمعاشرےپراس کےاثرات ، قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>This research paper, titled "Honour Killing and Its Societal Impact: An Islamic Perspective," offers a qualitative analysis of honour killings and their repercussions on contemporary society through an Islamic lens. Honour killings, a form of violence deeply rooted in cultural practices, are often justified by distorted interpretations of honour and moral codes. This study explores the complex interplay between such practices and Islamic teachings, aiming to clarify misconceptions and provide a contextual understanding of the issue.Utilizing qualitative research methods, this paper examines historical, theological, and socio-cultural perspectives to evaluate the Islamic stance on honour killings. It incorporates in-depth interviews, case studies, and textual analysis to discern how Islamic principles and legal frameworks address and condemn such practices. By investigating the religious, legal, and ethical dimensions, the research seeks to elucidate the Islamic viewpoint on honour killings and highlight the ways in which Islamic teachings promote justice, equality, and human dignity.The findings underscore that honour killings are contrary to Islamic values and jurisprudence, which emphasize the sanctity of life and the prohibition of unjust violence. This study also discusses the socio-cultural factors that contribute to the persistence of honour-based violence and proposes recommendations for addressing these issues within the framework of Islamic ethics. The research aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of honour killings and advocate for reforms aligned with Islamic principles to combat this form of violence effectively.Overall, this paper provides a critical examination of honour killings through an Islamic perspective, offering insights into the alignment of religious teachings with contemporary societal norms and legal standards.</em></p> Mehmood Raza, Dr. Muhammad Shamim Akhter, Dr. Haseeb Ahmad Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000 حقوق کی خرید و فروخت اور ان کی عصری تطبیقات <p><em>Through history, the idea of selling rights in Islamic jurisprudence has been an intricate matter based essentially on the Shariah principles. In the past, transfer of some rights for example usufruct rights or intellectual property has involved strict observance to the laws within Islam that guarantee fairness and prevent exploitation. While these concepts have also progressed in order to tackle concerns like digital assets from commercial transactions and even intellectual properties among others, it is important that they are compatible with Islamic ethics. The application of these principles today is crucial, particularly in the globalized economy, where the intersection of traditional Islamic values and modern commerce must be navigated with care. The present paper will outline various modern applications including digital rights sellings, franchising and intellectual property rights within the purview of Islamic law. By understanding and adapting these principles to contemporary contexts not only helps protect Islamic law’s integrity but provides ethical frameworks for current economic practices as well.</em></p> Ubaid ur Rahman, Dr. Mohammad Ishaq Alam Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF Sun, 01 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000