حقوق کی خرید و فروخت اور ان کی عصری تطبیقات

The Buying and Selling of Rights and Their Contemporary Applications


  • Ubaid ur Rahman Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi.
  • Dr. Mohammad Ishaq Alam Assistant Professor, Department of Usooluddin, University of Karachi.


Moderns Applications of Rights, Islamic Jurispendance, Islamic Ethics In Righ


Through history, the idea of selling rights in Islamic jurisprudence has been an intricate matter based essentially on the Shariah principles. In the past, transfer of some rights for example usufruct rights or intellectual property has involved strict observance to the laws within Islam that guarantee fairness and prevent exploitation. While these concepts have also progressed in order to tackle concerns like digital assets from commercial transactions and even intellectual properties among others, it is important that they are compatible with Islamic ethics. The application of these principles today is crucial, particularly in the globalized economy, where the intersection of traditional Islamic values and modern commerce must be navigated with care. The present paper will outline various modern applications including digital rights sellings, franchising and intellectual property rights within the purview of Islamic law. By understanding and adapting these principles to contemporary contexts not only helps protect Islamic law’s integrity but provides ethical frameworks for current economic practices as well.




How to Cite

Ubaid ur Rahman, & Dr. Mohammad Ishaq Alam. (2024). حقوق کی خرید و فروخت اور ان کی عصری تطبیقات: The Buying and Selling of Rights and Their Contemporary Applications. INKISHAF, 4(13), 24–49. Retrieved from https://inkishaf.org/index.php/home/article/view/479


