عائلی زندگی کا اسلامی تصور اور عصر حاضر ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

A research study on the Islamic concept of family life and the present era


  • Hafiz Zakirullah Lecturer, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore, Lahore.
  • Ameer Maviya PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, The University of Lahore.


Islamic family life, Regulation of family system, Lineage protection, Marriage and kinship, Role in society.


For any nation, the family system is such a fundamental system that organizes its culture and social life. Therefore, the purpose of all human laws is to regulate the system of families. This is the first task to which the civilized human paid attention to establish the foundations of his civilized life. There was an inspiration from Allah in this, in which the protection of lineage was considered to organize the system of families. The meaning of this is that everyone can attribute their lineage to themselves. Therefore, all religions have paid attention to regulating the fundamental system of families. This system is formed through the marriage or wedlock of man and woman. This system determines the formation of offspring and the branches and principles of kinship. This also organizes the system of in-laws. It plays an important role in the formation of the family, clan, and nation's system. Through the marriage system, mother, father, and children are formed. This also forms brothers, sisters, and other relatives, thus forming a family. Finally, Islamic law prevailed over all other laws, and the provisions Islam has established for families are the most just, strong, and superior.




How to Cite

Hafiz Zakirullah, & Ameer Maviya. (2024). عائلی زندگی کا اسلامی تصور اور عصر حاضر ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ: A research study on the Islamic concept of family life and the present era. INKISHAF, 4(11), 167–180. Retrieved from https://inkishaf.org/index.php/home/article/view/354


