INKISHAF <p><strong>INKĪSHĀF</strong> is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed quarterly research Journal of international repute published by the Rah-e-Falah Researcg Center, Lahore. Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the INKĪSHĀF research Journal. In it different aspects of Islam and their impact on Muslim and non-Muslim societies are discussed. The Journal tries to foster internal as well as external dialogue among Muslims and with those of other faiths, in the fields of Islamic Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, in order to encourage an atmosphere conducive to universal peace and understanding, for a better world. It aims at interpreting the teachings of Islam in such a way as to bring out its dynamic character, in the context of the intellectual and scientific progress of the modern world. Furthermore, the Journal also encourages the authors to submit researches conducted under interdisciplinary collaboration on the important socio-Religious issues including interfaith harmony and studies in contemporary religions. The main objective of INKĪSHĀF is to promote Islamic based research through modern research techniques and social science methodologies. Furthermore, INKĪSHĀF is an Academic Journal devoted to Islamic research and scholarship. It is to serve as a forum for scholars to write objectively, analytically and , where ever necessary, critically on Islamic History, Philosophy, Science, Arts, Culture, Archaeology, Law, and Jurisprudence etc.</p> Rah-E-Falah Research Center, Lahore en-US INKISHAF 2790-8127 پاکستان میں روایتِ نعت : ریاض ندیم نیازی کے اسلوبِ نگارش کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>Obeying the God and praising the holy life of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) can be termed as Naat. Since the time of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), not a single moment has been passed in this world, which has not seen the praises of holy Prophet (SAW). All time someone in this world is praising the glory of messenger of God with whole heartedly. Because the almighty Allah has promised himself to praise the highness of holy Prophet (SAW). One of such person is Riaz Nadeem Niazi who has shown his love to the Holy Prophet (SAW) with poetic verses. His Naatia Poetey is Decorated with the beautiful&nbsp;words to describe the worthiness of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). Moreover his poetry has opened many avenues for the scholars to explore and praise the various life aspects of messenger of God.</em></p> Maria Gulam Rasool Dr. Shazia Ayesha Ramzan Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 4 11 116 133 گیس چیمبرکے ذریعے سزائے موت کے حکم پر عملدرآمد کا جائزہ اوراس کا شرعی حکم <p><em>The article delves into a grim aspect of American history, shedding light on the utilization of gas chambers for executions. Originating in Nevada in 1924, these chambers were initially touted as a "humane" method of execution, conducted away from public scrutiny. However, the article reveals a darker reality, exposing the connection between gas chambers and profit-driven entities, as well as their utilization by the military post-World War I. Perhaps most unsettling is the revelation of collaboration between American and German entities in the development and deployment of lethal gases like hydrogen cyanide. This narrative transcends mere discussions of the death penalty, offering insight into broader themes of American values and power dynamics throughout the twentieth century.</em></p> Pakiza Malik Dr. Muhammad Hammad Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 4 11 376 394 امت مسلمہ کے خلاف ففتھ جنریشن وارفیئرکی کاروائیاں <p>Fifth generation warfare is conducted by psychological tactics. This war is primarily fought through non-kinetic military action such as misuse of social media, spreading misinformation, cyberattacks along with emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems. The term “fifth generation warfare” was first time used in 2010 by Lieutenant Colonel Alberts who was American army officer and theorist. The concept of four generations in the history of modern warfare was created by a team of United States analysts including William S. Lind in 1989 for the purpose of an argument that changing face of war entering into a fourth generation. The intention behind fifth generation war is to use latest technology of current era as well as save all resources which are used in physical warfare. Different countries and institutions are imposing this warfare on “Muslim Ummah” using different tools like media and other platforms.</p> Hafiz Ahmad Saeed Awan Lubna Ameen Khan Atika Sadaqat Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 4 11 94 115 مسائل طلاق میں تکملہ فتح الملہم کا منہج و اسلوب <p><em>The discipline of Hadith studies is one of the richest and exclusive discipline of knowledge as its branches extend to hundred. The religious scholars had written thousands monograph concerning Hadith interpretations and explanations. Many voluminous works appeared and existed and each of them is a commendable contribution to Hadith explanations. One of the significant works on Hadith explanations is “Takmila Fath-al-Mulhim” that is the result of scholastic efforts of many years by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. This explanation of Hadith Book Muslim was originated and finished till the “Section of Marriage” by Allama shabbir Ahmad Usmani but he could not extend it to the last chapter due to his political engagements and later his demise closed the chapter. Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani completed the remaining work in eighteen years and nine months. The scholar of Hadith Sciences have discussed all dimensions of family issues including marriage and divorce means dissolution of marriage Islma tolerates divorce and separation of husband &amp; wife under specific conditons. However, Islam regards it as abhorrent and reprehensible. The famous scholar Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani in his marvelous book “Takmila Fath al-Mulhim” has also discussed divorce issues in details. This article deals with his discussion probing his methodology of argumentation &amp; preference.</em></p> Dr. Zill-e-Huma Dr. Shaista Jabeen Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 11 181 202 بین الاقوامی تجارت کے فروغ میں عربوں کا کردار <p><em>Arabs have been active in promoting international trade since ancient times. They were carrying out trade between East and West since about two thousand years before Christ. The Prophet of Islam himself traveled to Syria, Yemen and Bahrain for commercial purposes before the Prophethood. In order to stabilize world trade, Abd al-Manaf made trade agreements with Caesar Rome, Kasira Iran, Najashi Abyssinia and the state of Yemen. Quraysh trade caravans used to go to both Syria and Yemen, especially twice a year. Arab coins found in different islands of Europe are proof that Arab traders used to go to European countries for trade. Geographically, the Arabian Peninsula became an international market for merchants from the East and West. Pilgrims used to play a key role in promoting trade links with different regions of the world. Arab trade caravans used to go to Yemen, Gaza, Bethlehem, Damascus, Abyssinia and Egypt. To the east, the Arabs had trade relations with India, Iran, China, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia.</em></p> Dr. Muhammad Afzal Usman Ilyas Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-22 2024-03-22 4 11 466 504 عناية الإمام أحمد بن حنبل رحمه الله بشرح غريب الحديث من خلال مسائله (برواية ابنه عبد الله) <p><em>This </em><em>article</em><em> is based on the</em> <em>concern of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal in explaining Strange </em><em>(Gharib)</em><em> Hadith through his questions (in the narration of his son Abdullah).The Arabic language is undoubtedly, the most eloquent and most </em><em>significant</em><em> language ​​in the world</em><em>. There is no doubt that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was Muhaddith and Jurist. But did he was also Imam in Arabic language or else?</em> <em>Some people think that he was just Imam in Hadith and&nbsp; Jurisprudence rather than specialist in Arabic language. So this article will provide enough about his treatment with Strange Hadith, and this topic will analyze critically about his proficiency in Arabic language.</em></p> Muhammad Saeed Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 4 11 01 14 نبی اکرم ﷺ کی خانگی زندگی کے مظاہر روایات ام سلمہ کی روشنی میں تحقیقی مطالعہ <p><em>A person is an important member of the society, this important person is available to the society from the family. In the family, this person prays for the blessings of the parents, then there are his sisters, brothers, wife, husband, parents and relatives. Their behavior with them has an important role in the society, that is why the foundation of family and personal life is strong before the society. The best person is the one who proves to be beneficial to the society. The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been described in the scope of Tayyaba and its different aspects. But his two qualities provide strength to establish the principles of the society. One of them is that he benefited the society. Any harm to the society. The second thing is that he not only set the principles for the best society, but also showed it possible by doing it himself. He was with the Prophet ﷺ in every part of his life. This discussion becomes more clear under the title of "Records of the personal life of the Prophet ﷺ in the light of Umm Salama".</em></p> Dr. Saeed Ur Rahman Qurat ul ain Arshad Khushhall Shaheen Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 4 11 310 339 نشر الثقافة الإسلامیة فی بلاد السند: دراسة تاريخية تحليلية <p><em>There are many unrealistic facts presented about the introduction of Islam to the Indian Subcontinent and Sindh. Some historians pointed to the idea that Islam entered the region as a result of the victories and bloody wars on the part of Muslims. But many sound reasons have been proven that the relations of the Arabs with Sindh and Hind were established before the beginning of Islamic preaching by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Many Arab colonies were established in this region long ago before the advent of Islam. Because of these circumstances, the methods of spreading Islam in this region were the methods of preaching in peaceful and respectful manners. During the time of the Companions, many Companions traveled to the areas Sindh to spread the message of Islam. The Muslim delegations to the land of Sindh continued to promote Islamic teachings as well as for Jihad and trade. In this article, an attempt has been made to present through the analytical study that these continuous efforts and delegations have had a significant impact on changing this region with regard to geography, politics, and culture.</em></p> Dr. Kashif Sheikh Dr. Faiz Ul Islam Dr. Zia Ul Haq Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 11 15 31 عدول الكلام عن مقتضي الظاهر في رياض الصالحين نموذجا <p><em>This research deals with a follow-up study of the issue of deviating from what is apparent, its methods and purposes. Where do we start from the problem that what is the meaning of deviation from what is apparent? What are its methods and purposes in the words of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the words of the Arabs? In the introduction to the research to then define this rhetorical phenomenon, and everything related to it, we expanded on the examples and explained them finally; we came up with an answer to the problem. We reached the desired results from this research.</em></p> Muhammad Ismail Dr Iftikhar Ahmad Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 4 11 49 71 Islamic Principles for Biomedical Issues <p><em>Due to the use of biotechnology in human life processes, conventional beliefs about people and their place in the natural order are facing ethical difficulties that were unheard-of. Rigid Muslim jurists have been sceptical of the advantages of contemporary medical technology because they see them as ethically dubious and potentially dehumanising. However, others have made efforts to explain biomedical issues from an Islamic perspective. This research article aims to explore those principles that deal with biomedical issues. </em></p> Dr. Muhammad Qasim Butt Prof. Dr. Sultan Shah Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 4 11 01 19 شریعت اسلامیہ میں نکاح کے مصالح: مقاصد شریعت کی روشنی میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>In Islam matrimonial contract (Nikah) is not merely a social but it is to complete the faith and conviction. It’s a safeguard to pedigree and posterity. It also gives the family its legal and social acquintance. The marriage binds the two families and create the basic unit of the society. Its blessings are love and mercy between two unknown individuals. The best match is of “Deen” although wealth, beauty and family nobility also matters. Nikah shuns the sins of the private and public life. It gives pleasure of purity in hidden and evident aspects, external &amp; internal matters. Pollution and perversions must be avoided by the noble way and institution of Nikah. Its importance is to achieve the aims of Shariah in the Quran and Sunnah i.e. Ibada (Worship of Allah), natural, physical and spiritual tranquility, sincerety, modesty &amp; chastity, progress of family and protection from psychosomatic including venereal diseases.</em></p> Zujajah Dr. Muhammad Rizwan Mahmood Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 4 11 255 273 جہادی تحریکوں کی تشکیل اور پذیرائی میں مسلم دنیا کی سیاسی صورت حال کا کردار: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>In the circle of Muslim intellectuals, three major approaches are prominent about the relationship between West and Islam: clash, dialogue and to ignoring. Moreover, the clash is not limited to intellectual or democratic domains; it reaches to the edge of war and arm conflict. Scholars and researcher are constantly working to understand the reasons behind this civilizational armed conflict and trying to suggest solutions for it. In this article, narratives of the global jihadi leaders are analyzed differently. In their arguments, global jihadi leaders consistently refer to the political instability of Muslim world. Western academia is also suggesting that the emergence and expansion of radical movements are the result of political instability and western policies towards the Muslim world. In this paper, a qualitative approach is used with the technique of content analysis.</em></p> Ahmed Izaz Ullah Hamad Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 4 11 598 612 Roti, Kapra Aur Makan: Slogan Remain a Slogan <p><em>Our political history witnessed many catchy phrases and beautiful sets of words which become famous and people of our beloved country begun to follow it in the hope that these are truly represent their pent up feelings while living in Pakistan. These are not merely words for the people who are deprived of their right of bread and butter along with shelter but the audacity of hope of the better and prosperous future for them and their generations to come. Roti, Kapra Aur Makan is one of all time favorite slogans of lower middle class people which are raised by the political elite of our country who had never tasted the misery of these three words in entire of their lives. The present study will highlight and discuss the origin, adaptation and the role of this beautiful and catchy slogan that was used during the elections days in large processions and rallies only to gain the vote of the people who are still striving hard to get these basic amenities in their lives and sometimes they become pray of these three words. The analytical and comparative study will show that this slogan used in the elections played very important role in getting public support and how this election slogan mould the situation in the favor of a political party. In this way, the aim and objective of the study would be that it will made researchers able to look the elections scenario in a broader perspective and importance of slogans in electoral process of our beloved country where a significant portion of the population is illiterate and still believe in catchy slogans enchanted in the big processions.</em></p> Muhammad Mujahid Sharif Prof. Dr. Mahboob Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 11 36 44 علوم حدیث میں ابوالحسن سندھی کبیر کی خدمات: ایک علمی مطالعہ <p><em>The present paper is study of the Abul Hasan Muhammad in Abdul Hadi Al-Sindhi Al-Kabir (d.1138 AH) in sciences of Hadith. He was a prominent scholar and jurist of his time. He wrote many books on various topics. He is famous for his commentary notes on books of Hadith. His books are referred to by most scholars because of their brevity and comprehensiveness. He contributed and added a great deal of matter in Hadith Studies.&nbsp; This study discusses a brief biography of Abul Hasan Al-Sindhi. &nbsp;It mainly presents an introduction to his works on books of Hadith. It also deals with the characteristics and qualities of his works in detail.</em></p> Dr. Naimatullah Soomro Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-18 2024-03-18 4 11 395 422 فہم قرآن میں ربط ومناسبت کے منہج کا آغازوارتقاء <p><em>To comprehend the Qur'an, it's crucial to grasp the relationship between its verses and surahs. Numerous books have delved into this connection, leading many commentators to pay special attention to the coherence of the Qur'an in their interpretations. Commentators like Imam Razi in Tafsir Kabir, Imam Abu Al-Saud in his Tafsir "Irshad ul -Aqle-Salim Al Mazaya Al-Kitabe AlKareem," Khatib Sharbini in Tafsir Siraj e Munir, and certain schools of thought in Pakistan and India have emphasized the structural harmony within the Quranic verses, making it a focal point of their Quranic services.</em></p> Dr. Muhammad Khurram Akhlaq Ahmed Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 4 11 31 55 اصلاحِ معاشرہ اور اسلامی معاشرے کا قیام: اسوۂ رسول اکرم ﷺ کی روشنی میں <p><em>Making reforms in any society is a tedious task especially, in the case where reforms result in the transformation of whole society. In Pakistan, serious issue of morals and values prevails in the society. The dilemma of decline of any society or nation is that, once the process of decline in norms and values start, it took them deeper and deeper with the passage of time. The nation as a whole and our societies as a part are now in a deep pit of moral and ethical failure. Numerous efforts were observed in the past for the societal reforms but the nation is continuously in the process of declining. Being an ideological state, our society is demanding a complete overhaul for transformation and demands a winning strategy. As Muslims, we need to take guidance from the life of Mohammad </em><em>ﷺ</em><em> whose teachings are time tested and serve as the best model for all ages. In this paper emphasis is given to unfold the effort of Mohammad </em><em>ﷺ</em><em> that resulted in the reforming and complete transformation of Arab society. It is observed that we mostly prefer to talk about the good morals, values and ethical teachings of holy prophet Mohammad </em><em>ﷺ</em><em> but rarely put our focus on the actions taken by him for this sacred mission. Moreover, few distinct characteristics of Islamic society are also presented to highlight the efforts required to instill them in society. Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is the embodiment of how the mission of reformation in the society is done. Similarly, few insights from the scholars from Indian subcontinent are also presented to make this research more applied in Pakistan. The study will help both the individuals and the government officials in devising the strategy for reforming society and ultimately help in establishing of Islamic society in Pakistan. At few places history of Indian sub-continent is compared with the situation on Arabs to make the study more applied and relevant. In conclusion, some steps for the initiation of process of transformation are discussed briefly, as every Muslim is responsible for bringing positive change in the society. This may help individuals to take active part in the process of reformation of society especially in the establishment of Islamic society.</em></p> Zafar Ahmed Dr. Muhammad Atif Aftab Asim Shehzad Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 4 11 218 234 تدبر قرآن کی سائنسی جہت کے اطلاقات کا تجزیہ <p><em>On the one hand Quran is the final book and on the other it is an inclusive book. Quran Majeed is the source of intellectual and spiritual guidance for humans and is the complete code of life and set of ethics of living. Quran Hakeem has enjoined mankind to observe, think, ponder and cogitate over universe. The process of contemplation and pondering commenced during the age of Prophet (PBUH), continued to progress in every period of time. Current age is considered to be an era of science and technology. This process of contemplation and pondering didn't halt even in the field of science and technology and Islamic teachings of the Quran have opened new avenues in the realm of science. Admitting science as a principle with other present-times basis for the interpretation and understanding of Quran helps to disclose the Quranic rationale in the light of new discoveries. Many interpreters of Quran used this principle of interpreting Quran in the contemporary times. Some interpreters of Quran tried to keep pace with the modern times and align religion with science and technology and poured exhaustive discussions on the laws of science of universe, concealed and undisclosed characteristics as well as the evident facets of universe in the books of commentaries of Quran. The trend to study the creation of heavens and earth, genesis, flora and fauna and other features of nature in the light of Quran Hakeem started. Scientific aspect of the contemplation on Quran is seen in the context of relevancy in the exegesis literature of the sub-continent. Therefore, we find a number of such commentaries and books in which the literal meaning of the Quranic verses in explained in the light of scientific principles and discoveries. In this context, few important examples will be taken up in this article.</em></p> Dr. Kalsoom Razzaq Dr. Shaista Jabeen Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 4 11 550 576 Managing the Anger and Sexual Urge: Islamic Perspective <p>This paper aims to investigate the Islamic teachings related to the Management of anger and sexual desires. Anger and sexual urge are two effective emotional states that can lead people to hurtful behaviors if not appropriately controlled. Islam gives a comprehensive moral system for overseeing them in a useful way that's consistent with the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam educates that anger could be a characteristic feeling that ought to not be oppressed but maybe channeled helpfully. The paper investigates different procedures for overseeing anger, such as profound breathing, positive self-talk, and looking for asylum in Allah. Furthermore, the paper examines the significance of forgiveness and the evasion of vindication as key components of Islamic anger Management. Additionally, the Islamic approach to sexual urges Management is based on the principle of self-discipline and the avoidance of sin. Islam educates that sexual wants could be normal and ought to be controlled through marriage and modesty. The paper talks about different procedures for overseeing sexual want, such as maintaining a strategic distance from erotica and lustful behavior, locking in standard physical action, and looking for asylum in Allah. Also, the paper examines the significance of maintaining a strategic distance from premarital and extramarital sex as key components of Islamic sexual urge Management. The paper concludes by emphasizing the significance of the Islamic moral system for overseeing anger and sexual urges in modern society. The down-to-earth methodologies and methods presented in this paper can be of big advantage to people looking to oversee these adept feelings in a helpful way that's steady with Islamic teachings. By taking after the Islamic teachings on anger and sexual urge Management, people can accomplish more prominent passionate, and otherworldly well-being, reinforce their connections with others, and eventually lead a more satisfying and fulfilling life.</p> Dr. Maqbool Hassan Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 4 11 91 105 Right of Hizanat in Islam and Determining the Right of Custody of Minors through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Pakistan <p><em>In Pakistan, the Guardian and Wards Act, 1890, stands as the primary legislation governing the custody of minors. Islamic principles recognize the mother as the de facto guardian, with specific age-related considerations in both Hanafi and Shia laws. The Act classifies guardianship into custody, property, and marriage guardianship. Emphasizing the critical role of nurturing children for a prosperous future, disputes over custody often lead to protracted legal battles. The traditional court-centric approach, involving hearings, evidence, and visitation rights, not only affects the minors negatively but also incurs time and financial burdens on the father. Recognizing these challenges, an emerging solution is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), a set of practices outside the courts, aiming for efficient legal dispute resolution &nbsp;<br>In Pakistan, both informal and formal Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms are actively employed. Informally, systems like Jirga and Panchayat have long been utilized for justice administration. Formally, various laws, including the Arbitration Act 1940, Section 89-A of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and Sections 10 and 12 of the West Pakistan Family Courts Act, 1964, provide provisions for the establishment and legitimacy of ADR. This paper advocates for the adoption of ADR in custody disputes, emphasizing its potential benefits for the well-being of minors, as well as the parents. The research explores Islamic law principles concerning minor custody in Pakistan and delves into the application of ADR mechanisms in resolving such cases. In the context of divorce and separation, this research study explores the complex area of child custody within the framework of Islamic beliefs and Pakistan's&nbsp;legislation. The increasing number of divorces in the country&nbsp;today raises important questions about child custody, which calls for a thorough examination of the Islamic Rights of Hizanat and the function of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) processes.</em></p> Shakeel Ahmed Abdul Rasheed Mosa Lakhani Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 4 11 72 90 A آیاتِ پردہ پر قدیم و جدید مفسرین کے مناہج کا تحقیقی جائزہ <p>In this article, a research review of the methods of ancient and modern commentators on Ayat-i-parda is described. The method of describing the methods and styles is historical. Because interpretation is an ongoing process, it is not a fixed process. Therefore. Different interpretations of Ayat-i-Parda have been described in different periods. In the first period, when temptations were less, the interpretation requirements of the commentators were different. While in the current far off, when there is an invasion of temptations, now the explanations of the commentators are related to the rules of Ayat-i-parda. And. There are many meanings in the Qur'an that contain clear instructions regarding the veil of a woman. These meanings have been explained by commentators in each era according to that era. The special thing in this context is that if the verses of the veil But if you study the interpretations of the earlier eras and the interpretations of today's era, you will see differences in the interpretation of the verses of Parda due to the time and place differences of the commentators. In the commentary of the scholars of every era, different interpretations have been described. To clarify the same thing, what the commentators of the earlier periods and the present era did and how they understood this point of the Book of Guidance, which is called Parda.In this respect, the methods have been described in the light of the interpretation of his verses of Purdah.</p> <p>Key words: Qur'an, Sunnah, Parda, Seventy, Commentators, Commentaries, Methods.</p> M Hassan Raza Hassani Syeda Tayyaba Kousar Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 4 11 69 93 اسلامی تہذیب و تمدن پر سوشل میڈیا کے اثرات <p><em>One of the most crucial parts of using modern information technology to create social communication among friends, family, and individuals is media. </em><em>While the media has recently had an impact on world civilizations, the Islamic culture has </em><em>also</em><em> been impacted by these consequences. The media, which has a stronghold over Islamic </em><em>civilization</em><em> and has altered Islamic nations' beliefs and customs, is this influence's most powerful instrument. In addition to a rise in anti-Islamic propaganda since the advent of the media, Muslims have also been driven to take a defensive stance toward their faith</em><em>. Additionally, the media has shaped Muslims' mental framework in such a way that the modern Muslim is constrained to think just what is being ingrained in his mind by the media. Due to this mindset, today’s Muslim has not only forgotten his bright part but also his traditions and morals.</em> <em>Apart from this, the media has created such an atmosphere that it has become difficult to follow Islamic traditions and culture. This paper has examined how the media has influenced Islamic civilization.</em></p> Mian Faizan Ahmed Shoaib Ahmed Anas Mehmood Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-23 2024-02-23 4 11 203 217 آبی وسائل کا تحفظ اور انسداد ضیاع کا نبوی منہج: پاکستانی معاشرے کے تناظر میں <p><em>Water crisis is on the top amongst the problems which have engulfed the&nbsp;whole world in recent times. Every person on the planet is affected of its catastrophes&nbsp;in one way or the other. Even there is a severe chance&nbsp;of future wars on the issue of water resources. So, it is very important to pay heed towards the solution of these issues and towards the implementation of a&nbsp;better system and regulation of water resources. In Pakistan, it is equally important because Pakistan is included in top ten countries of&nbsp;facing water shortage issue and this life saving asset is being wasted lavishly here. And this matter is gaining&nbsp;importance&nbsp;in recent years so there is need to seek guidance from the comprehensive SEERAT E MUBARKA of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) so that it may be made possible to gain maximum benefits from the less usage of water. In a country like Pakistan where majority of the people are uneducated and they don't have the insight about these sensitive issues so only remedy left to convince and prepare them for a noble cause is to teach them through their beliefs. Hence nothing can teach them in an effective and comprehensive way but the life examples of their beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).In this researcher article,I would try to present these topics in the light of SEERAT E TAYYABA and in the perspective of the needs of Pakistan</em></p> Hafeez Arshad Hashmi Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Imran Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 4 11 205 225 دوران وبا اجیر کے حقوق اور اسلامی تعلیمات: تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>In human history, countless epidemics have come and gone. And the coming and going of epidemics is part of the world system. Well, every epidemic affects society, but there are some epidemics that affect the world on a large scale. And these anti-humanity epidemics not only affect the people living in slums, but also those living in palaces and government houses are not able to protect themselves from it. Where Islam has clarified the rights and regulations for every sector of life, it has also clarified the rights of the wage earner, the basic role of trade and economy. The sovereignty and ownership of the whole world is established only by Allah, the workers who adhere to the principles of taking help from others and helping others and are the guarantors of the development of any country and nation,.If for some reason they are moved from their place, the whole society is affected. Every time the epidemics turn to a land, they become a disaster for humans, which disrupts the country's economy. That especially affects the lives of the wage earners, which clearly changes their quality of life and they have to face economic and social problems due to the epidemic. But Islam is the only religion which has encouraged to take care of all human rights and duties. Quran and Sunnah have clarified all the principles of living. You just need to know them and follow them. Islam's economic It is essential to follow the Qur'an and Sunnah in all the principles of the social system. And these characteristics distinguish it from the rest of the world's systems. Islam is a religion that has clear teachings for Muslims in every hardship<strong>.</strong></em></p> Sadaf Siraj Dr. Sumera Rabia Sadia Arif Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 4 11 134 150 متنِ حدیث الرسول اللہ "طہارت نصف ایمان ہے" کا تحقیقی مطالعہ)اُسوۃ النّبی صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی روشنی میں( <p><em>Thaharat is an Arabic term that Islam, i.e., the Quran and Sunnah, instructs its followers.&nbsp;No rituals, customs, or worship are accepted until the above requirement of Tahara is considered. In the Quran, many times Allah Ta’ala expresses his love and affection for those who keep themselves neat and clean as per the rules of Sharia. Prophet Muhammad’s whole life is practiced&nbsp;of Tahara for Ummat e Muslima. According to the teachings of Islam, it is Sunnah to stay clean and tidy, neat, spick and span, immaculate, well dressed, and polluted-free, and it is required of every Muslim to maintain themselves as neatly as a pin is necessary. This applies inside as well as outside of a person. Prophet Muhammad not only acted upon these teachings but, from time to time, also gave direct instructions about acting on taharat's discipline to his companions, wives, and people who were around them at that time. In this article, it is discussed what the exact sources are for getting Taharat and what elements and factors can spoil the cleanliness of the Mutahhar. What are the teachings and seerah of the prophet in this regard? would be conversed in the following paper. The Messenger of Allah (</em><em>ﷺ</em><em>) said: Cleanliness is half of faith. Here, some questions are raised by intellectuals about the meaning and elaboration of this hadith regarding the element of HALF.</em><em>This article will discuss the meaning of this hadith with the different aspects and divergent domains of life and how this hadith affects life with the essence of half.</em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>(شطر)</em></p> Saboor Fatima Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 4 11 240 275 عائلی زندگی کا اسلامی تصور اور عصر حاضر ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ <p><em>For any nation, the family system is such a fundamental system that organizes its culture and social life. Therefore, the purpose of all human laws is to regulate the system of families. This is the first task to which the civilized human paid attention to establish the foundations of his civilized life. There was an inspiration from Allah in this, in which the protection of lineage was considered to organize the system of families. The meaning of this is that everyone can attribute their lineage to themselves. Therefore, all religions have paid attention to regulating the fundamental system of families. This system is formed through the marriage or wedlock of man and woman. This system determines the formation of offspring and the branches and principles of kinship. This also organizes the system of in-laws. It plays an important role in the formation of the family, clan, and nation's system. Through the marriage system, mother, father, and children are formed. This also forms brothers, sisters, and other relatives, thus forming a family. Finally, Islamic law prevailed over all other laws, and the provisions Islam has established for families are the most just, strong, and superior.</em></p> Hafiz Zakirullah Ameer Maviya Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 11 167 180 کلامِ اقبال میں اسلامی تاریخی کردار و واقعات کا تذکرہ ، بانگِ درا کی خصوصی حوالے کے ساتھ <p><em>History is one of the sources of human thought. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Ta'ala has invited people to think and ponder and in various verses, He has encouraged humanity to take guidance and advice from them by describing the life conditions of past nations. Allah Almighty says in Surah Yusuf: “There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Quran a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe.” After the Quran and Sunnah, Islam has emphasized on history that is the reason why we find in the Quran a description of the conditions and events of the nations of other prophets. Through which man knows the conditions of the previous nations and the nations of the Prophets and can get advice and lessons from their events. Allama Iqbal, the poet of the East, was a preacher and preacher of Islam. He propagated the principles and beliefs of Islam through his speech. He also mentions Islamic historical characters and events in his speech. In fact, Iqbal considers the real implementation of Islam to be the cure for every disease of the Ummah. This is the reason why he narrates Islamic historical events in his speech so that Muslims can learn and advise through it. In the written paper, the Islamic historical characters and events mentioned in Iqbal's Urdu poem "Bang-i-Dara" have been made the subject and research will be done to know the hidden guidance and wisdom in these events and it will be evaluated how these events Through this, the youth of the Nation of Islam can be reformed and efforts can be made to renew faith within them.</em></p> Dr. Najmul Sahar Ilyas Ms. Shehroze Faheem Hafiza Maria Hassan Padhiar Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 11 447 465 Jews in Mughal India: Historical Perspectives and Cultural Interactions <p><em>This article delves into the intricate history of Jews in Mughal India, shedding light on their presence, cultural entanglements, and socio-political standing during this captivating era. Examining migration patterns, settlement trends, and interactions with Mughal emperors, particularly Emperor Akbar, the narrative navigates the multifaceted relationship between the Jewish population and the Mughal Empire. Drawing from historical documents, accounts by court historians, Indian and Jesuit priests, European travellers, and cultural artifacts, this study offers a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic interaction between Jews and the Mughal Empire. Major themes explored include the role of Jewish communities in the vibrant tapestry of Mughal society, economic pursuits, and the dynamics of religious tolerance. Within the intricate mosaic of Mughal India, this investigation provides a rare window into the interwoven history of two distinct cultures.</em></p> Dr. Hafiz Aamir Ali Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 4 11 20 35 عہدِ صدیقی ؓ کےنظامِ استخبارات کا تحقیقی وتاریخی جائزہ <p><em>This paper presents a comprehensive review of the intelligence system during the time of Siddiqui R.A. The study delves into historical records and research to shed light on the functioning and significance of intelligence mechanisms during this period. Through an exploration of historical sources, the paper examines how intelligence was gathered, analyzed, and utilized in Siddiqui R.A.'s era. The findings contribute to a better understanding of the intelligence infrastructure and its role in shaping historical events during that time.</em></p> Saleem Ullah Masroor Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-15 2024-03-15 4 11 274 309 دلالة الآيات الواردة في قصة سيدنا يوسف عليه السلام في ضوء تفاسير آيات الأحكام وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة <p><em>The Quran is a universal book, and the stories narrated in it are not just stories of previous nations, as the polytheists of Mecca said, and God Almighty quoted their saying in the Holy Quran, saying: </em><em>{</em><em>وَإِذَا</em> <em>تُتۡلَىٰ</em> <em>عَلَيۡهِمۡ</em> <em>ءَايَٰتُنَا</em> <em>قَالُواْ</em> <em>قَدۡ</em> <em>سَمِعۡنَا</em> <em>لَوۡ</em> <em>نَشَآءُ</em> <em>لَقُلۡنَا</em> <em>مِثۡلَ</em> <em>هَٰذَآ</em> <em>إِنۡ</em> <em>هَٰذَآ</em> <em>إِلَّآ</em> <em>أَسَٰطِيرُ</em> <em>ٱلۡأَوَّلِينَ</em><em>}</em><em>(<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a>)</em><em>, </em><em>Rather, the Qur’anic stories were mentioned in the Holy Qur’an under a special purpose, such as what God Almighty said about Joseph, peace be upon him, and his brothers: </em><em>{</em><em>لَّقَدۡ</em> <em>كَانَ</em> <em>فِي</em> <em>يُوسُفَ</em> <em>وَإِخۡوَتِهِۦٓ</em> <em>ءَايَٰتٞ</em> <em>لِّلسَّآئِلِينَ</em><em>}</em><em>(<a href="#_ftn2" name="_ftnref2">[2]</a>)</em><em>.</em><em>. The story Hazrat Yosuf peace be upon him, is a single story that appears in the entire Holy Qur’an in one surah. The surah was named after Surah Yosuf, and its verses are full of lessons and sermons</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>There are questions: Are there legal rulings that can be deduced from the story of our Master Joseph, peace be upon him? If so, are these rulings called the rulings of the Sharia of our Master Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace? If there are legal rulings derived from the story of our master Joseph, peace be upon him, how many of these rulings are there? What is the position of the commentators on the verses of rulings on them? What are its contemporary applications? The researcher seeks to find the answer to all these questions in this article</em><em>.</em><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1"></a></p> Hafiz Muhammad Anas Dr. Musaab Iftikhar Khan Durrani Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 4 11 72 86 ماحولیاتی ذرائع کے استعمال کاتحفظ اورانتفاع سیرت طیبہ ﷺکی روشنی میں <p><em>Environment and its protection is very important in the existence and survival of this universe. In view of this importance, nature has given us green and bright valleys, beautiful mountains, dense forests, charming waterfalls, boiling springs, flowing rivers , vast seas, and subjugated all these things to man so that he can use them as he likes and live comfortably in this earthly universe. These things were declared as the cause of natural balance, but with our inventions we as a The natural environment started to change. The trees started to be cut down, the mountains started to be broken, the sea started to be broken and the dirty drains started to fall into the clean water of the river, the factories blew smoke clouds into the air and so on. Due to this change, air pollution was created and the clean environment and balance given by nature was lost, due to which the world is worried today. Extinct, according to the assessment of the World Environment Conference, this situation threatens the extinction of three hundred and eleven species, forests are decreasing at a rate of two percent annually, due to environmental pollution, the ozone gas layer is being depleted. has fallen and the harmful rays of the sun are directly reaching us and causing various diseases, the water from which Allah gave life to all things, we have neglected, Because it came into our hands for free, the importance of water demanded that we keep it pure and clean, prevent it from being polluted; In order for it to be of use to us, we were commanded not to urinate in water, not to put your hand in a vessel of water without washing your hands when you get up from sleep, lest you get dirt from your hands and visit different parts of your body at night. Do not let the germs that are on your hands get into the water, don't even breathe into the pot while drinking water, so that the germs coming out of your breath don't contaminate the water and make it unfit for use by others. Now, instead of being burned in the houses, all the dirty water is being bored and sent underground, due to which even the water inside the ground is no longer fit for our use. As a result of our process, drinking water is now being found at a depth of more than two and a half to three hundred feet, and even we cannot say that it is completely clean and disease-free, as a result of this water, various diseases are present. are born, now we have to live on mineral water, and drinking water companies have become silver, we are in need of water, and we have to spend a lot of money on it,. Millions of barrels of oil spilled into the Arabian Gulf during the war have made it so murky and polluted that it has created problems for marine life and threatened to wipe out many species of aquatic life. Forests were also irreparably damaged by polluting the underground water. If all goes well and no new cause of further pollution arises, it will take one hundred and eighty years for the water to become clean and to control the deteriorating situation. This is not only the case of the Arabian Gulf, but most of the water resources in the world, most of them have not only become dirty due to human body waste, waste from houses, waste from factories and factories, but also Their use can cause the end of life because they have become toxic. It is very important to stop such deforestation. We get the solution of all the basic problems related to this from the principles of Sirat Tayyaba, which I will try to present in my research paper, God willing.</em></p> Qammar Aziz Munir Subhani Prof. Dr. Abdul Wahab Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-13 2024-02-13 4 11 151 166 ٹیسٹ ٹیوب بے بی کا تعارف اور مروجہ تکنیکی طریقہ کار کا تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>Woman rights are at stake and they have uncertain future. Childlessness is a social issue of the world as it is male- dominated society. Ladies face lot of problems such as remarriages of their husbands and increasing rates of divorce. Women face social and psychological issues. Now different methods are invented by medical science to solve this problem. There are different artificial methods of reproduction like transfer of Zygote, transfer of Gamete or embryo demotion. Some religious scholars drive the verdict of Quran and Sunnah and some prove these methods are against Quran and Sunnah.We have also reviewd two articles in it.e.g The Scope of Test Tube Baby Fertilization in Islam, Published by Al-Qalam 2019 &amp;&nbsp; Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Human and its juristic status,&nbsp; published by Mojallah Aloom e Islamia, 2021. This article resolves around these aspects and concludes the legal way of adoption of this scientific method and deals with scholarly strangles of the jurists of Muslim Ummah regarding the method of reproduction.</em></p> Tahira Munawar Muhammad Naimat Ullah Farida Noreen Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 4 11 423 446 انجاز الحاجہ کا علمی مقام: معاصر علماء کے تاثرات کا جائزہ <p><em>The region of the sub-continent is quite rich in the service of Deen Hanif. Scholars here have performed remarkable feats in the service of the Qur'an as well as in the service of the Hadith. One of the scholars of this region is Maulana Muhammad Ali Janbaz, may Allah have mercy on him, who died in 2008, who did the work of Hadith service. You lived most of your life in Sialkot. He also has many works, but one of the prominent works is the Sharh "Injaz al-Hajah" of the famous book of hadith "Sunan Ibn-e-Majah". In this article, apart from Maulana's situation, the opinions of various scholars about this interpretation of the hadith will be mentioned.</em></p> Muhammad Asif Haroon Muhammad Hammad Atta Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 4 11 56 68 "بلوچی تفسیر" کے تفسیری منہج کا تحقیقی مطالعہ <p><em>Tafasir of the Holy Quran have been written in different regions and in different languages. These Tafasir include the “Balochi Tafsir” written in the Balochistan region, in Balochi language which was published in 2012. This Tafsir is written by Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Zamrani in the nineteenth century and is a representative interpretation of Salafism. In this Tafsir, Tafsir al-Qur'an with Qur'an and Tafsir al-Qur'an with Hadith are organized. Sheikh Al-Albani has been relied upon in the chain of hadith. Jurisprudential and theological debates have also been committed. Most of the opinions of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah and Imam Ibn Qayyim have been preferred in jurisprudence. Tafsir is very useful in exegetical problems in the present day.</em></p> Mehmood Dr. Muhammad Shahid Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 4 11 235 254 Orientalists' views on the concept of fasting in Islam a research based study <p><em>The Orientalists' views on Islam also gained traction on a global scale, which is why Islam was still avoided in Christian literature. In addition to not being familiar with Islamic traits, the neutral world also saw Islam through a Western prism, which caused their neutrality to gradually wane in the West. A class of people emerged in Islamic society who began to interpret Islam through the eyes of Orientalists, and as a result, the educated class from the West continued to avoid Islam.</em></p> <p><em>This essay focuses on the actions of the Orientalist West in an effort to shed light on how the Orientalists treated Western-educated Muslims and underprivileged Muslim scholars who expressed doubts about the West and their methods. The Orientalists' writings exhibit an almost antiquated desire for knowledge and professional honesty. They also raise questions about the source of the doubts and suspicions that fueled their beliefs.</em></p> <p><em>This article examines the arguments put forth by Orientalists against Fasting. The focus is on refuting this charge they have made against fasting from the perspective of the Quran and Sunnah. Only heresy or the use of shaky sources are used to support this claim. In order to refute these assertions, this article refers to the Quran, the Sunnah, and other trustworthy sources.</em></p> Dr. Israr Ullah Sidra Mehvish Dr. Faiz ul Islam Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 4 11 141 151 Qualities of a Teacher in the light of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) <p>&nbsp; The main aim of this research manuscript is to explore the qualities of a teacher because a teacher is the person who transforms the new generation into good human beings. Every nation must whole heartedly focus and invest on the grooming of their next generation if that nation aspires to develop in every field of life by leaps and bounds. This can be done if education is prioritized by the state by investing in the teachers and system of education nurturing their young lot. A teacher must possess outstanding qualities of the head and heart and should also inculcate sublime qualities among their pupils so that their nation and country would progress tremendously as the Prophet (PBUH) was a great teacher of all times because he had superb qualities as a teacher and is a model of excellence for all human beings in every field of life. Thus he transformed his followers into global leaders by inculcating outstanding qualities among them. Consequently, they also became great leaders of the future world. So, teachers can learn the excellent qualities of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a teacher in the modern world so that they may not only engage their students in a meaningful way but also make their classroom an interesting, enjoyable and effective place. The next generation is groomed and trained for their future and its challenges.</p> Atta Ur Rahman Dr. Muhammad Zakariya Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 4 11 106 123 Contemporary Problems of Iranian Modernization <p><em>As a theoretical approach, this study sought to consider general modernization in contemporary society within a sociological framework. As a result, in its contemporary period, modernization was studied in three different government systems. From the Qajarian period at the beginning of modernization to the recent Islamic republic government, there have been two opposing groups of agreement and disagreement on modernization. As a result of the fighting among agreement groups about modernization, the Constitutional Revolution eventually emerged. As a result of fighting different groups over modernization, we get the Islamic Revolution. These interpret the modernization currently going on in Iranian society. As an important result, according to Iranian social science researchers, modernization emerged in western societies and was related to them. Generally, Eastern societies, specifically Iranian society, have undergone one modernization; these societies, regarding this basic non-western society, could be modernized anywhere in the world.</em></p> Dr. Hedayat Eydi Tarakameh Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-17 2024-03-17 4 11 124 140 خالق کی تصویر قرآن اور بائبل کی نظر میں، ایک تقابلی مطالعہ (گورڈن ڈی نکل کی کتاب "دی قرآن وِد کرسچن کمنٹری " کے تناظر میں ) <p><em>God is the Creator of the universe and humanity. In His creation, the element of good and evil has existed since eternity, and a perpetual struggle between them continues. In this struggle, the Creator’s help always remains with the forces of goodness. Those individuals who support evil are given a respite for a period, but when they do not turn away from their defiance and rebellion, various punishments from the Creator descend upon them.These punishments may take the form of natural disasters such as storms, earthquakes, floods, etc., or they may manifest as the triumph of the virtuous believers over the forces of evil. In such instances, the Creator’s assistance and victory are granted to His righteous servants, ensuring the eradication of evil.Examples of such scenarios can be found in the Quran as well as in other religious scriptures. The purpose of these examples is to encourage future generations to reflect on their actions and not become supporters of evil. However according to Gordon D. Nickel, such statements can give rise to religious terrorism and questions regarding the role of the Creator, such as whether He actively removes some people from their cities and participates in wars.The Quran describes one of the attributes of the Creator as “Al-Jabbar”, which Gordon D. Nickel translates as “The Tyrant.” According to him, the Quranic depiction is contradicted by the Bible, which portrays the Creator as loving His creation and not participating in human conflicts. In this study, an analysis of Gordon D. Nickel’s questions will be undertaken, and an effort will be made to present the true facts.</em></p> Muhammad Tariq Dr. Janas Khan Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-02-04 2024-02-04 4 11 01 30 Use of Force by Muslim State: A Comparative Study of Contemporary International Law <p><em>Muslim International Law as well as Contemporary International Law allows the Use of Force If a justified cause of war is there. If there is no justified cause of war then the division of the world into different parts does not necessarily create hostile relations between Muslim and non-Muslim states, the notion that MIL does not recognize the co-existence of the non-Muslim state is not compatible with reality.&nbsp; All People are divided based on ideology into two kinds, namely, Muslims and non-Muslims which are two different nations. However, division based on ideology does not create hostility between Muslims and non-Muslims. Only aggression empowers the Muslim state to use power against the aggressor. The aggression against the Muslim state is either from Muslims or non-Muslims and it may be from the internal or external side. The properties, honor, and blood of the inhabitants of the Muslim state are protected irrespective of their faiths. Conversely, those humans who live beyond the territorial jurisdictions, their properties, honor, and blood are not protected by the Muslim state<sup>.</sup> Muslim state is bound to use Force for the protection of its inhabitant's rights and is not bound to use Force for the protection of those who live beyond the territorial jurisdiction of the Muslim state. </em><em>On the other hand, Contemporary International law (CIL) also cognizes the use of Forces for the territorial integrity, and political independence of any nation-state, and the objectives of the United Nations Organization. In case of an armed attack, CIL gives the right of self-defense to the affected state. Similarly, CIL gives authority to the UN Security Council for “Collective Use of Force”. The "Collective Use of Force" by the Security Council does not deprive the right of Self-defense of the affected state. This means that the affected state can be defended by using the right of self-defense as well as the right of Collective Use of Force. CIL also empowers the Security Council to use the right of a pre-emptive attack in dire need and if international peace is endangered.</em></p> Dr. Hamidullah Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-13 2024-03-13 4 11 52 71 عالمی اقتصادی انضمام میں سرمایہ کاری کا فروغ اور نشوونما شریعت اسلامیہ کے تناظر میں تجزیاتی مطالعہ <p><em>Natural resources are a key input into the production process, which drives economic growth. Therefore, wise use of resources is essential for sustainable economic growth. Reducing environmental impact also contributes to welfare gains outside of a market economy. The role of means of production is central in economic, political and social evolution. Mechanized means of production gave birth to the industrial age and this industrial age is the real essence of the modern age. Poverty and bankruptcy can be eradicated from the world only by the equal distribution of the resources of the means of production between the employer and the worker. This study explores the key considerations and strategies for promoting the development of Islamic investment domestically and internationally. Islamic investment must adhere to Shariah principles, avoid prohibited activities such as usury, gambling, and engaging in business against Islamic ethics. Islamic finance encourages risk sharing. Investment structures such as Mudarabah and Musharakah emphasize the fair distribution of profit and loss. The paper presents an analytical study of the development and promotion of Islamic investment within the framework of Islamic economics. is required.</em></p> Maria shafiq- ur -Rehma Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Imran Copyright (c) 2024 INKISHAF 2024-03-26 2024-03-26 4 11 526 549