ڈاکٹر حمیداللہ اور ڈاکٹر یاسین مظہر صدیقی کا سیرت نگاری میں اسلوب ومنہج ، ایک تحقیقی جائزہ
Dr. Hamidullah and Dr. Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui's Style and Method in Seerat Nigari, A Research Review
Dr. Hamidullah, Dr. Yaseen Mazhar Siddiqi and Seerat WritingAbstract
Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah was a prolific author whose imposing life in the field of writing was characteristically distinguished from other personalities and who devoted his life to religious and academic works and inspired many scholars for serving the cause of Islam. In modern times, it is also surprising enough for every scholar who observes the circumstances in which Dr. Hamidullah lived on one hand and the large number of valuable works produced by him about different subjects on the other hand with high academic standards. He has almost covered the whole range of Islamic studies in his writings and tried to explore true picture of Islam and its fundamental sciences. Although the dimensions of his works spread over all these spheres- theology, the holy Qur'an, Hadith, Fiqh, Islamic History and culture, ethics, politics, economics but hadith, Fiqh, Sirah and Islamic History were his favorite subjects. His contributions to these subjects were universally recognized in academic circles from the point of richness of material and high standard of research. In this research paper, an attempt is made to illustrate the life of Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah in a brief manner on the one hand and an analysis of his major works on Sirah has been discussed on the other hand. On the other hand, we are putting Dr. Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui in front. Your academic stature and especially your grasp of the sciences of life are enviable. Dr. Sahib started his writing journey in history but then turned to biography with the praise of his father and then he became his real identity. He published several books in Arabic, Urdu, and English. In addition, about 500 papers were published in different journals on various topics, the most prominent of which is Sirat Tayyaba. Accustomed to living a very simple, but organized life, extremely sociable, devout, knowledgeable, kind, and possessed a very fluid pen.
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